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Rhetorical Activism -"Doing Blasphemy"!


This blog answers the questions many of my TikTok followers ask. Do you believe in God? Do you have family in the US? What is the most important thing to you in life? Well, instead of giving direct responses, I allow the inquirers to find out for themselves through various modes of communication. Enjoy!

The rhetoric of hell is good for the recidivist sinner, but not for the sinner’s victims. Peaceful activists should know this already!

This rhetoric goes something like this. A long time ago, a man named Jesus died for something he didn't do, and others were celebrating his death because it allowed for the forgiveness of their sins. Whatever harm they caused; they would be forgiven if they repented because he had already paid with his death. And those who were harmed would be compensated after they died! So, what does this mean for an activist like me? How would I fit in?


t means that I should be happy and not protest injustice. It means I should forgive the oppressor just like God forgives everyone.

And by the way, this type of rhetoric has followed me my whole life. I now live in the US, but it is the same type of religious drum I have been hearing since I was a little girl in an African village. Following this line of thinking, those who cause harm are to be ignored because they will be dealt with in the afterlife. And those of us who are oppressed can cling onto the afterlife version of the American pipe dream!

They should not resist the social imbalance that puts them beneath others because

everything will be fixed later. They should continue hanging on the cross even though it was reserved for Christ. In  terms of this oppression, encouraging others to yield to oppression while promising them better lives in heaven does make sense. It promotes peace, finding ways around injustice for a better afterlife. This kind of  rhetoric has been my experience with religion as a ploy perpetrators use to promote cultural supremacy. It silences the masses by promising them treasures in heaven. The silencing happens viaTatattak

TActics that reinforce supremacy

1. You're Going to Hell

This video attempts to demonstrate my ignorance on the subject of hell and disinterest

in exploring the topic.

2. Accusations of Lack of Respect for Authority

When people impose their authority on others, they typically don’t expect to be rejected.

This video shows how rhetoric can calm the situation into creating an impression that engaging with the authorities is welcome.

3. But Exactly What is Blasphemy?

The people who viewed the crucifix protest as blasphemous were strict on their definition of the word,

but as an activist, I had another view.

4. Put Downs Suggesting a Person is “Illegal”?

Sometimes those who attack activist action resort to attacking the person.

5.Attacks About the Looks

Disparaging remarks about how a person looks can hurt the ego and therefore the activist’s action.

For the Christian believer I had in mind while writing this story, the death of Christ should have been the end of mortal injuries, especially those of the state against the marginalized. This activist finds that this isn’t true because people are still crucified in the literal or metaphorical sense . They are the nameless, marginalized peoples of the contemporary Roman Empire. Times have changed, but the empire is still here. Flogging is supposed to have ended as well, but there are still those who frown upon the rejection of social injustice as though they expect the marginalized to turn around and get flogged because a reward awaits them in heaven. That can’t be real, and peace activists demand justice even if it means committing blasphemy!

That, is, in the end, parents get to decide.


